As we know that Nehru Gram Bharti University ( was established as Rajiv Gandhi Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya in 2007. Nehru Gram Bharati Vishwavidyalaya got the status of “Deemed to be University” that offers courses for its affiliated colleges in LLB, B.Ed, MA, LLM, M.Com, M.Sc, BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MBA, etc. and declares NGBU part 1 result 2020, NGBU part 2 result 2020 and NGBU part 3 result 2020.

Aspirants may check NGBU results 2020 of BA, B.Com, B.Sc, LLB and B.Ed at: for regular/private annual/semester exams. So, students can check Nehru Gram Bharti University results 2020 online to download marksheet for NGBU 1st year result 2020, NGBU 2nd year result 2020 and NGBU 3rd year result 2020 or NGBU final year result 2020.
The most awaiting regular/back paper annual NGBU result 2020 for Social Science, Humanities, Law, Management, Commerce, Science and Education of 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year. The announcement of results 2020 are done for annual main paper and back paper conducted in March/April and September/October respectively for regular/supply/revaluation.
So, Where to Check Results 2020?
The results 2020 of CBCS semester is released for odd semester (1st sem, 3rd sem, 5th sem) of Sept/Oct/Nov and for even semester (2nd sem, 4th sem and 6th sem) of April/May/June. However, result 2020 is declared for hons, gen, voc and pass courses of part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Students of Nehru Gram Bharti University Undergraduate from regular/private/ex-students, single subject, supply and improvement can check result 2020 name-wise by roll number for 6th semester, 5th semester, 4th semester, 3rd semester, 2nd semester and 1st semester.
Nehru Gram Bharati University, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh releases M.Ed, LLB, MA, M.Com, M.Mus, MSW, LLM, MBA results 2020 for main paper and back paper of previous/final.
NGBU Results 2020 at for BA, B.Com, B.Sc:

Aspirants may check NGBU results 2020 of BA, B.Com, B.Sc, LLB and B.Ed at: for regular/private annual/semester exams. So, students can check Nehru Gram Bharti University results 2020 online to download marksheet for NGBU 1st year result 2020, NGBU 2nd year result 2020 and NGBU 3rd year result 2020 or NGBU final year result 2020.
NGBU Results 2020 for Regular, Private, Main, Back:
The most awaiting regular/back paper annual NGBU result 2020 for Social Science, Humanities, Law, Management, Commerce, Science and Education of 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year. The announcement of results 2020 are done for annual main paper and back paper conducted in March/April and September/October respectively for regular/supply/revaluation.
So, Where to Check Results 2020?
- If you want to see the Nehru Gram Bharti University result 2020, you must log on to
- See the result section that will drive you at
- Now choose your subject of NGBU result
- Now, you need to click over that to download PDF and open NGBU result 2020
- After that you will be able to download your Nehru Gram Bharti University marksheet in PDF
- Here you will be able to check your Nehru Gram Bharti University marks subject-wise
The results 2020 of CBCS semester is released for odd semester (1st sem, 3rd sem, 5th sem) of Sept/Oct/Nov and for even semester (2nd sem, 4th sem and 6th sem) of April/May/June. However, result 2020 is declared for hons, gen, voc and pass courses of part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Nehru Gram Bharati University Results 2020 of Part 1, Part 2, Part 3: |
Students of Nehru Gram Bharti University Undergraduate from regular/private/ex-students, single subject, supply and improvement can check result 2020 name-wise by roll number for 6th semester, 5th semester, 4th semester, 3rd semester, 2nd semester and 1st semester. Result Details for UG/PG Year-Wise/Sem-Wise: |
Organization Name | Nehru Gram Bharati University, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh |
Types of Results | Annual (1st Year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year)/Semester (Odd/Even) |
Subjects of Results | BA, B.Com, B.Sc, LLB, B.Ed, M.Ed, BBA, BCA, MA, MCA M.Com, M.Sc, B.P.Ed, MBA |
Pattern of Results | Hons, General, Vocational |
Official Website of Results | |
Before Marks Get | NGBU Allahabad Admit Card |
Before Results See | Nehru Gram Bharati University Exam Date Subject-Wise |
Declared Results | Main Paper Results/Even Sem Results |
Announcement of Results | September/October, 2020 |
Nehru Gram Bharati University, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh releases M.Ed, LLB, MA, M.Com, M.Mus, MSW, LLM, MBA results 2020 for main paper and back paper of previous/final.
Nehru Gram Bharati University result 2020 of UG/PG released here for Annual (1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year), odd sem (1st sem, 3rd sem, 5th sem) and even sem (2nd sem, 4th sem, 6th sem) that can be checked from below.
NGBV Result 2020 Get Here: |
Date of Announcement | Subject Name of the Result | Check the Result Online |
20.11.2020 | NGBU BA 2nd year result 2020 | |
19.10.2020 | NGBU B.Ed 2nd sem result 2020 | |
NGBU B.Com 2nd sem result 2020 | | |
08.10.2020 | NGBU BA 3rd year result 2020 | |
NGBU B.Com 3rd year result 2020 | |
Nehru Gram Bharati University result 2019 declared here for UG/PG courses in PDF file to download from below.
NGBU Result 2019 Check Here: |
Date of Announcement | Check the Result Online |
06.07.2019 | BA 2nd year result 2019 |
BA 1st year result 2019 | |
15.06.2019 | B.Sc 3rd year result 2019 |
BA 3rd year result 2019 | |
B.Com 1st year result 2019 | |
B.Com 2nd year ex-students result 2019 | |
B.Com 2nd year result 2019 | |
B.Com 3rd year result 2019 |
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